Website Hosting and Basic Maintenance

t’s how visitors find your website on the Web. For example, our domain name is Before you can publish a website, you must decide on a domain name, we do a search for you to make sure it is still available, and we register it. You see, your domain name is a key element of your website. It can make or break you.

But wait, why is your domain name so important?

It’s your “first impression”. Your URL is the first thing your visitors will see. A good domain name can make a positive and lasting impression, while a bad domain name can send visitors running.

It affects SEO. While exact match domains (EMDs) are no longer a necessity, keywords in your domain name can still help your SEO ranking.

It defines your brand. The right domain name can increase brand recognition. These elements are only a few of the many reasons why your domain name is so important.